(425) 776-7688 - Call or Text chris@bigkingsalmoncharters.com

Salmon Charters

Seattle Salmon Charters Are Not All The Same Seattle Salmon Charters are all regulated by various agencies such as the Coast Guard,  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife,  Marine Board , etc.   The purpose is provide passengers and fishermen with a safe time on...
Crab Stuffed Prawns

Crab Stuffed Prawns

Print Recipe Crab Stuffed Prawns Servings people Ingredients 2-18 tails Fresh shrip deveined2 pounds Dungeness Crab Meat Chilled3 tble sp Old bay seasoning1/2 cup diced celery1/4 cup diced onion1 tble sp garlic chopped1/2 teaspoon white pepper3/4 cups Panko Bread...
Herb and Parmesan Cheese Seared Halibut

Herb and Parmesan Cheese Seared Halibut

Print Recipe Herb and Parmesan Cheese Seared Halibut Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 25 minutes Servings people Ingredients 4 tbls white wine 2 cups Bread Crumbs Panko3/4 cups shredded parmesan fresh2 tlbs fresh dill2 tlbs thyme chopped4 whole organic eggs raw2-3 lbs...
Garlic Edmonds Spot Prawn

Garlic Edmonds Spot Prawn

Print Recipe Edmonds Spot Prawn Hello fellow fisherman and wanna be seafood cooks it is I Captain Chris your Fantastic fishing Charter boat dwelling Charter boat Captain Here with another Seafood recipe for you sad boys and girls that don't know how to cook, Since...