The 2019 Seattle Salmon Fishing Report for September could not have been better. Coho and pink salmon fishing were hotter than ever in Puget sound this year out of Edmonds
The picked up daily limits on big pinks and early ocean run coho salmon off the oil docks in Edmonds
and the shipwreck south of Everett. These beautiful fish were fat and hard fighters stripping line on multiple runs. Many times we were lucky to get them in the boat! Thank heaven for nets.
The best spots as always this year were Jefferson Head and the oil docks in Edmonds and the shipwreck out of Everett Washington.
September is usually a great time to fish for salmon in Seattle because the fish are plentiful, the crowds are down and the weather can still be outstanding. We have many days when our guests are still fishing in t-shirts and shorts.
Keep watching for our futuer Seattle Salmon Fishing Reports in the months ahead. 2019 was a great year for Seattle salmon fishing and we are hoping that 202 will be as good if not better.